Say no to Child Labour Paragraph in English 150 Words

Say no to Child Labour Paragraph or Article in English 150 Words

Child Labour Paragraph in English 150 Words

Child Labour Paragraph: What is Child Labour?

Say no to Child Labour because it is the exploitation of children during their early years in exchange for money or compensation. This harmful practice robs children of their innocence, education, and opportunities for a better future.

Recently, I have seen a nine-year-old boy working in a small hotel. His tired face and poor condition broke my heart. Like him, many children in different parts of the world are forced to work in harsh and unsafe environments. These children lose their childhood to poverty, exploitation, and ignorance.

The jobs involved in child labour are always dangerous, especially working in factories, construction sites, and small workshops where they are constantly exposed to danger. It is a violation of their rights but, at the same time, a serious social issue that is damaging the future of these children and the country as a whole.

As a result, children will be enrolled in school and afforded proper education to eradicate child labour. Vocational training can also prepare them with skills for respectable jobs in the future. Together as responsible citizens, we should bring an end to child labor and give every child their right to enjoy their childhood and build a better future.

Reasons Leading to Child Labor

Child labour occurs for many reasons, most of which are related to the problem of poverty and lack of opportunities. Generally, the main cause of child labour is poverty. Poor parents find it hard to sustain their families, thus they send them. Some children do work to earn extra pocket money.

The third reason is poor access to quality education. For many, schools are either far away, unaffordable, or of very poor quality hence, the children have no option but to abandon school and join work instead.

Some companies exploit cheap labour by employing children because they are paid less than adults. Children in rural areas often assist on farms or in small industries due to family expectations.

Lack of awareness is also a big reason. Many people don’t realize the long-term harm child labour causes to children’s futures. 

Say no to child labour by ensuring better education, enforcing stricter laws, and raising community awareness. This is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation

Q.N.1- Child labour is a social crime. A campaign for you to raise awareness and ban child labour. Write an Article on child labour in about 150 to 200 words for a magazine about this shameful masterpiece.

Child labour Article 150
You are Ram Prasad, a conscious person for the society. You started a campaign to raise awareness. Last week, Sanjay Colony Morena Resident Welfare Association (RWA) started a campaign to ban child labour in the area.

The campaign saw residents, traders and workers coming together and participating in it wholeheartedly. It was started by Indian social reformer Mr. Kailash Satyarthi, who addressed the crowd and highlighted the importance of education in the early years of children. He remarked that working as a labourer leads to their all-round well-being.

The crowd then took out a peaceful march with posters and raised slogans in favour of banning child labour. The gathering then gave a signed letter to the Labour Commissioner of West Delhi to stop this practice.

Q.N.3- Write an essay on child labour. You are a student of class 9. Your school is going to organize an article writing competition on Children's Day on November 14. Give two consecutive suggestions on how to educate these children.

Say no to Child labour Paragraph in 120-150 Words

Say no to child labour because it is cruel and shameful for society to make children do hard labour. While at this age they should be given love, care and proper education. You can see many children selling some items in the market. There are lots of children working in the factory. In construction, places, you can see those children carrying bricks to build a building. Many children work in a hotel and house. You can see those children washing utensils in the kitchen.

Two suggestions about educating these children continuously:

1. Schools should be near their living places so that they do not stop education.

2. They should be given books and stationery free of cost.

Say No to Child Labour in 150 Words

Child labour is a very unkind practice as it deprives a child of childhood fun. A child should be in school playing and learning; he or she should not work in factories or shops. The primary causes of child labour are poverty and lack of facilities.

 Families are barely surviving so they send children to work to earn some pocket money. Then, employers exploit the situation by offering them meagre wages and engaging them for too long hours in harmful environments.

Child labour destroys the present as well as the future of a child. In this way, it confines a child without proper education into the cycle of poverty. This also impacts the growth and progress of Children and the country.

We should say no to child labour and create awareness about the harmful effects of it. The government, organizations, and citizens must join hands to provide free education and support to underprivileged children. Every child deserves a happy and safe childhood. Let us stand against child labour and make a safe society.

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