Informal Letter Format: Some Example Letter to Friend in English

 Informal Letter Format: Some Example Letter to Friend in English

Informal Letter Format: Some Example Letter to Friend in English

Informal Letter Format with Examples

If you're looking for an informal letter format, you've come to the right place. Below, you'll find examples of informal letters written in a friendly tone, perfect for writing to a friend or family member. These informal letter examples demonstrate proper structure and convey a warm, conversational style.

How to write an unsolicited letter format?

Start: Use words like "Dear [name]" or "Dear [name]".

Make your point clear: State the purpose of the letter at the beginning.

Adopt simplicity and personal style: Write the unsolicited letter like a conversation.

End with best wishes: Positively end the letter and use personal words like "Yours affectionately".

Why is an unsolicited letter important?

Unsolicited letters show the artistry and the affinity to communication. It is not only a means to express your feelings better, but also helpful in writing help.

Unique Unsolicited Letter Examples Magazine You can easily understand how to make your message impressive and personal


Q. 1. You are Shyam/Shweta of 23, Sanjay Colony, Morena. Write an informal letter to your friend advising him to study English and general knowledge for competitive exams.

Example 1: Advising a Friend to Study for Competitive Exams


23, Sanjay Colony, 

Morena. (M.P.) 

13th April, 20.... 

Dear Vandana,

I am quite well here and hope you all are happy and cheerful. I am glad to know that you have passed with very good marks. You are quite a focused girl and you have decided to sit for the competitive exams. I would just like to advise you that you pay special attention to English and General Knowledge. Read the newspaper daily. This will enhance your knowledge of current affairs. I wish you all the best for your future. May all your dreams come true. Please convey my regards to your parents and love to your sister.

Yours affectionately,



Q. 2. You are Ravi Khanna residing at 123/40, Bankhandi Road, Morena. Write an informal letter to a friend inviting him to your birthday party.

Example 2: Inviting a Friend to a Birthday Party


123/40, Bankhandi Road,

 Morena. (M.P.)

 17th March, 20.......


My dear friend Shivam,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to my birthday party on 22 March at 6 p.m. at Hotel Rajshree, Morena Please do visit at my residence before time so that we will have some talk before the party. Bring your younger brother too with you.

Waiting for you.

Yours affectionately

Ravi Khanna


Q. 3. Write an informal letter to a friend Rashmi congratulating her on her brilliant success in the PET exams. You are Kokila Dave.    Or

 Write an informal letter to your friend congratulating him on his grand success.

Example 3: Congratulating a Friend on Exam Success

Ans. 13, Mint Street,

Raipur (C.G.)

20th June, 20...


 Dear Rashmi,

Namaste. I hope you are doing well there. Today when I picked the morning newspaper, I came to know about your brilliant success in the examination. Your photograph attracted my attention. All my family members became very glad to know that your name has been included in the merit list.

Please accept our hearty congratulations. We hope you will have a very successful career.

Rest is fine.

Truly yours Kokila Dave


Q. 4. Write an informal letter in the name of Anuj Dubey to your friend describing an exciting recent cricket match in which your team won. Follow the "Informal Letter Format" and include all the thrilling moments of the match.

Example 4: an exciting recent Cricket Match


15/K, Preet Vihar,. 

New Delhi

April 7, 20....


Dear Abhinav,

I am fine here and hope that my letter will find you in good health too. I want to share some good news with you. Recently our school cricket team participated in an Inter-School Cricket Tournament. Our team won the tournament. The final match was very exciting. Our captain decided to field first. We were given a target of 180 runs in 20 overs. 

We lost the first wicket on the first ball. Soon we lost two more wickets at a score of 75 runs in 8 overs and we lost all hope of winning the match. But our captain played very well. I supported him with my score of 50 runs not out. Later I was awarded man of the match for making  50 runs and taking 3 important wickets. 

All the winning players were given certificates, medals and a cash prize of Rs 2,000. We got praise and appreciation from all the teachers and the Principal.

 I shall never forget this match. I look forward to showing you my certificate and medal when we meet.

Please pay my regards to your parents and love to your younger brother,

 Yours affectionately, 


Write an informal letter to your friend inviting them to attend the marriage of your brother or sister. Follow the informal letter format, including all necessary details such as the date, time, and venue of the event.

 Example 5: to attend the marriage of your brother or sister.

19, Anand Colony 


March 7, 20...... 


My dear friend,

I hope you are well and fine there. You will be glad to know that my elder brother/sister is going to be married next week on 14th March. I invite you to attend the marriage. At the reception party, an orchestra group will give a very interesting performance. Please come as early as possible. Waiting for you,

 Yours sincerely, 



 Write an informal letter to your friend inviting them to spend some days of the summer vacation with you. Follow the informal letter format and include details about the fun activities you plan to do together.

 Example 6: spend some days during summer vacation with you.

 F-188/6 Shivaji Nagar


April 15, 20....... 


My dear Manisha,

Namaste. I hope you are fine there. I am also quite well here. I am glad that you have done well in the examination.

I received your letter a few days ago. Your examinations are over. Mine will finish on April 18. I request you to spend some days of the summer vacation with us. There are many beautiful places here to see. Bhopal Tal is famous. We will enjoy boating in it. Besides, we shall visit some picnic spots. Please do come. Write when you will be able to come.

 Yours as ever,

 Lily Khare


Write an informal letter in the name of Mohan Sharma to your friend, advising them to celebrate Diwali without crackers. Follow the informal letter format and explain the environmental and health benefits of avoiding crackers while suggesting alternative ways to enjoy the festival.

 Example 7: to celebrate Diwali without crackers.

17, Budhwar Peth


September 30, 20.....


My dear friend,

Always be happy. I hope you are doing quite well there. You know that Diwali is coming very soon. This is a very nice festival. It fills us with joy, happiness and enthusiasm. To express our feelings we celebrate it by lighting lamps, exploding crackers and eating sweet dishes.

As we all know, crackers produce very harmful gases which pollute the whole surroundings and the noise created by these crackers causes noise pollution as well. 

Therefore, I advise you to celebrate Diwali without crackers. I hope you won’t mind.

Rest is fine.

Your well-wisher, 



Write an informal letter to your friend congratulating him on his going to England for higher studies and advising him to take proper care of his health and studies.

 Example 8: going to England for higher studies.

14, Birla Gram Nagda


October 17, 20.....


Dear Anil, Hearty Greetings. I hope you are quite well and happy there. I have just received your letter informing me that you have been selected for higher studies in England. Hearty congratulations. I am proud of my friend. I was sure about your selection. Thanks to God.

I hope you must have made all the preparations for your journey. While in England, I advise you to take proper care of your health, especially in the winter season. Further, I advise you to be careful in selecting your company. Always keep in mind that with great difficulties your parents are sending you there. Give full attention to your studies. Our best wishes are with you.

 | shall be there to see you off. 

Yours affectionately,

 Rajiva Bajpai


 Write an informal letter in response to an invitation from your friend Arun, explaining why you cannot attend their birthday party. Follow the "Informal Letter Format" and include good wishes and a thoughtful gesture, such as a unique gift., 

 Example 9: why you cannot attend their birthday party.

16, Ravindra Nagar, 


June 10, 20...... 


Dear Arun,

 I hope you are doing well there. I got your letter dated 7th June. Thanks for inviting me on your birthday on 13th June. I am sorry to say that owing to a busy schedule I am unable to come there. However, I wish you a very happy birthday. May God give you all happiness and good opportunities in your life. On this occasion, I present you.a very beautiful Italian poem. I hope you will appreciate it as a birthday gift.

‘ Count your garden by the flowers,

Never by the leaves that fall.

Count your days by golden hours,

Don’t remember clouds at all.

Count your nights by the stars, not shadows,

Count your life with smiles, not tears,

And with joy on every birthday,

Count your age by friends, not years. 

Yours truly,



Write an informal letter to your friend congratulating them on their recovery from a long illness. Follow the informal letter format and express your happiness, share encouraging words, and wish them good health for the future.

 Example 10: recovery from a long illness.

23, Ravindra Nagar


March 25, 20......


Dear Ramesh, 

Namaste. It was a pleasant surprise to see your letter after a long time. When I read that you were down with chikengunia; | knew the reason for the absence of your letters. Thank God, now you are on your feet again.

 My heartiest congratulations on your recovery. Now, please take care of your health. Act upon your doctor's advice, Chikengunia makes one very weak. You need a lot of res! and healthy food. Don’t worry about the loss of your studies. You are a brilliant student and you will make up for the loss soon. When you recover fully, Please pay a visit to us 

With love

Your as ever


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