Application for leave: Informal letter Sample Format Class 5, 8, 10 and 12th
Q.N 1. You are Ramkumar, a student of Gyanodaya H.S school. You have been suffering from malaria and you are unable to attend school. Write an application for leave to your principal for three days Leave
100 Words Leave Application for School Class 8th
Ans. To,
The Principal
Gyanodaya H.S.School
Jouri Road
Morena ( Madhya Pradesh )
Subject: Sick leave application
Respected Sir
Most humbly, I beg to say that I am a student in Class 8th in your school. I am writing to inform you that I have been suffering from malaria. So I am unable to attend school due to health issues. My doctor has advised rest for Three Days to recover completely.
Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I assure you that I will cover the missed lessons and assignments.
Thank you for your understanding
Your obediently,
Ram Kumar
You are Aman Sikarwar a student of Gyanodaya H.S school. You have been suffering from malaria and you are unable to attend school. Write an application for leave to your principal for three days of Sick Leave
75 Words Leave Application for School for Class 5th
Ans. To,
The Principal
Gyanodaya H.S.School
Jouri Road
Morena ( Madhya Pradesh )
Subject: Sick leave application
Respected Sir
Most humbly, I beg to say that I am a student in Class Fifth B in your school. I am [Aman Sikarwar], a Class fifth A student at Gyanodya H.S. School, Morena, Madhya Pradesh. Due to illness, I am unable to attend school. The doctor has advised me four days of bad.
So Please grant me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I will ensure all missed work is completed.
Thank you for your kind support.
Your obediently,
Aman Sikarwar
You are Amit Singh, a student of Govt H.S school. You have been suffering from malaria and you are unable to attend school. Write an application for leave to your principal for three days Sick Leave
150 Words Leave Application for School class 10th
Ans. To,
The Principal
Govt. H.S.School
Morena ( Madhya Pradesh )
Subject: Sick leave application
Respected Sir/Madam,
Most humbly, I beg to state that I am Amit Singh a regular student in Class 10th A in your school. I am experiencing severe health issues and have been advised by my doctor to take complete rest for four days to ensure proper recovery.
I request that you grant me leave from [5, March 2025] to [5, March 2025]. I will make every effort to catch up on missed lessons and submit all pending work upon my return. Kindly consider my request and grant the leave.
Thank you for your attention and understanding.
Your obediently,
Amit Singh
You are Amit Singh, a student of Government High School. You are suffering from malaria and you are unable to attend school. Write an application for leave to your principal for three days of sick leave
300 Words Leave Application for School Class 12th
The Principal
Government High School Jaura
District Morena (Madhya Pradesh)
Subject: Request for Sick Leave
Respected Sir/Madam,
Respectfully, I beg to say that I am Pankaj, a regular student of class 12th at Government High School Jaura District Morena, Madhya Pradesh. I inform you that I am currently suffering from malaria, and due to this, it has become difficult for me to attend school. My doctor has advised me to take [5 days] rest to recover completely and avoid any complications.
Therefore, please grant me five days of sick leave. During this period, I will take all necessary steps to recover as soon as possible and avoid any hindrance to my studies.
I assure you that I will make up for all the missed classes and complete the pending assignments as soon as possible after returning to school.
I fully understand the importance of regular attendance, but due to my health condition, I have no other option. I humbly request you to consider my situation and grant me leave.
Yours obediently,
Class 12th A
The 5-write format of the application is to the principal of the government higher secondary school, Morena (M.P). So write a formal letter to the principal, because your father's Government employee, has been transferred to another city and you are not able to early study in this reputed school. Write an application for a transfer certificate
Application for t.c from school or.Application for transfer certificate from college for further studies or. Application for transfer certificate after 12th
The Principal
Government higher secondary School Morena (M.P)
Date July 25, 2017
Subject: Application for an issue of my transfer certificate.
Respected Sir/ Madam
With due respect and humble submission, I am a regular student of class 12th in your school. I would like to inform you that my father is a government Teacher. Recently he has been transferred from Morena to Gwalior.
My family will be moving there soon. As a result, I can't continue my study at your reputed school.
So, I need a transfer certificate to get myself admitted into a school in Gwalior
In the circumstances, I hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a transfer certificate.
Yours obediently
Important Meaning -: due ( ऋणी ) humble (नम्र ) submission (प्रस्तुति) government (सरकारी ) impossible( असम्à¤à¤¬ ) study (अध्ययन ) circumstances (परस्थित )
hope (आशा करना )
2- Write an application for the Principal of Government Higher Secondary School Morena (M.P). You want to the historical your. So write an application to the Principal for permission to go on a study tour.
letter to the principal format and sample and An Application to the Principal for permission to go on a study tour.
The Principal
Government higher secondary School Morena (M.P)
Date July 25, 2017
Subject: Application for permission to arrange a study tour.
Respected Sir/Madam
Most humbly I beg to say that I am the monitor of your school Class 12th. I am waiting on behalf of the students of class 12th of your school, that we wish to make a study tour to Jaipur (Rajasthan). We feel that minor perusing of books can’t make our information complete unless we see things with our eyes. Study tour Is intriguing as well as educational. It broadens our learning of history and convention. It likewise increases our standpoint. Besides, tedious classes make our lives dull and exhausting. The tour might remember us from this repetitiveness of our directing life.
Two of our instructors have consented to guide us throughout the tour. This study tour will cost about Rs.5000/. We are ready to contribute half of the total expenditure. We, therefore, hope that you kindly permit us to make the study tour and sanction Rs.5000/only and oblige thereby.
Obediently yours,
Student Name…
On behalf of the students of class 12th
3-Write an application for the Principal Government Higher Secondary School Morena (M.P). So write an application to the Principal to issue some books from the school book bank. An application for an issue of my course books from the school book bank.
The Principal
Government higher secondary School Morena (M.P)
Date July 25, 2017
Subjects: An application for an issue of my course books from the school book bank. (Library)
Respected sir/Madam
With due respect, I beg to state that my father is a very poor farmer with a meagre income of Rs. 2000 a month and a family of six persons to support. I am a student in class 12th.
I passed class IX with the first rank from this school. I am the captain of the basketball team of the school also. My class teacher knows well about the economic condition of my family. I can't buy costly books from the market
So kindly issue me a set of books from the book bank of our school. I shall be highly obliged for this kindness.
Thanking you.
Yours obediently,
Pragati Sharma
4-Format of the Principal Government Higher Secondary School Morena (M.P) application. You have passed Class 12th and want to to take admission in a university for early study. So write an application to the Principal to issue your character certificate summit with the application form
Application to Principal issuing Character Certificate.
The Principal
Government higher secondary School Morena (M.P)
Date July 25, 2017
Subject: An application for issue Character Certificate
Respected Sir/Madam
Most humbly I request that I have passed the Higher Secondary School Examination in 2016 -17 from your school and I secured the first rank in the school. I was captain of the basketball team and Organizer of the cultural function of the school/college. I was an N.C.C. cadet too and got the Best Cadet Award the previous year.
Now, I want to be admitted to University Hence, I am in need of a Character Certificate. I request you to issue the Character Certificate at the earliest possible time.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently
5-Write an application for the Principal Government Higher Secondary School Morena (M.P). So write an application to the Principal for full fee concessions.
Application for a grant you Fee Concession.
The Principal
Government higher secondary School Morena (M.P)
Date July 25, 2017
Subject: Application for a Grant your Fee Concession
Respected Sir /Madam
Most humbly, I beg to state that I am studying in class 12th of your school. I passed 11th the previous year and achieved the first rank in all the sections. My father is a daily worker. He is unable to support our whole family with his salary. My grandparents also depend on him. My other two sisters are studying in college. In this situation, he is not in a position to pay my fees.
In these circumstances, kindly grant me a full fee concession, otherwise, I will not be in a position to continue my studies further. Please consider my problems sympathetically.
Yours most obediently,