Say No to plastic or Polythene bags write a paragraph150, 200 Words

No to plastic or Polythene bags

 Say  No to plastic or Polythene bags:  150 Words

No to plastic or Polythene bags-Polythene (Plastic) is made from an organic compound that cannot be destroyed. This means plastic does not decompose. It lasts for many years, even decades. Plastic is harmful to both humans and animals. It can cause many diseases in humans and animals. It also affects the fertility of the soil. Therefore, as responsible citizens, we should stop using polythene or plastic from today itself.

Q.N.1 You are Ram, a responsible citizen of your city. You have organized a campaign in your area on 'Say No to Polythene Bags.' Using the following details, write a paragraph for publication in a magazine.

(1) Campaign in our locality, (2) Disastrous effects of polythene 3) choke sewerage system, (4) To make the public aware of its harm, (5) To make the locality polythene free. area

 Say No to Polythene Bags No to plastic or Plastic  bags

Say No to Polythene Bags

Polythene (plastic) is causing great harm to the environment. The production of plastic has become a curse for us. Yet, people do not stop using polythene bags completely to avoid inconvenience. Polythene bags do not decompose. They either end up in landfills or are burned, and both ways harm the environment.  

This is why I decided to start a campaign in our area against its use. Using loudspeakers, leaflets, and posters, I made people aware of its harmful effects. Polythene also chokes the sewage system. My goal was to make our area polythene-free, and I am happy that I have been successful to a large extent.

Q.N-2 Using the following input, prepare a short write-up on “Polythene bags are a great nonsense”.

Say No to plastic or Polythene bags)

Some things are made for trouble. Polythene is like these. Polythene is made with an organic compound which can never be destroyed. Some people go to the market and bring items in polythene bags because they think it is not possible to carry the bag in hand because they don't know that this polythene can be the cause of many diseases. People think polythene bags are the most convenient and cheap so some people do the business of polythene bags. I think the government should ban the selling of polythene bags. When people first made polythene bags it soon became popular because they didn't know its bad effects.

It is extremely harmful because it is not degradable. If we throw garbage in polythene then drains and gutters also get choked by polythene. When the drains and sewers obstruct the flow of their sewage, it is harmful to our daily life and the more bad quality of polythene is that if any stray animal eats it, the intestine will burst and the animal will die, so we can say no to plastic or polythene bags.

Say No to Plastic 200 Words

The use of plastic and polythene is very dangerous for our environment. It is a non-biodegradable material, which does not decompose naturally. Due to the increasing use of plastic, our air, water and soil are getting polluted. Plastic harms our environment.

Single-use plastic such as polythene bags and straws is the most dangerous for our environment. Single-use plastic is thrown away by people after using it once, it takes years to decompose. Plastic produces toxin gas which is very harmful for our health and environment. Plastic in the sea harms marine life. Stray animals roaming around us and our pets also eat it thinking it to be fodder and they get very harmed by it.

That is why we should avoid plastic and also make people aware about its harm. Instead of this, we can also use paper bags.  Which do not pose a threat to our environment. We should use steel or glass bottles instead of plastic bottles. We should avoid using plastic as much as possible. We cannot completely eliminate plastic even by using plastic.

Just putting up posters will not work. It is not the responsibility of the government alone. Along with the government, people will also have to cooperate in this actively. We have to make people aware, especially small children, of the harm caused by plastic so that the coming generation also becomes wise. We have to work on this from today itself to save our earth.

Powerful quotes or Slogans to say no to plastic or polythene bags

"Carry a bag, not plastic garbage."

"What you cannot reuse, discard it."

"Plastic bags: convenient today, disaster tomorrow."

"Don't let the earth pay for your convenience - say no to plastic bags."

"Choose eco-friendly, choose a better tomorrow."

"Be fabulous, don't use plastic."

"A cleaner earth starts with saying no to plastic."

"Plastic-free is the way to go!"

"Your small step can make a big difference - ditch the plastic bag."

"Bring your own bag and save the earth."

"Reuse your bag and say no to plastic bags."

"Plastic bags choke the earth; it's time to regenerate."

"No more plastic bags, only eco-friendly stuff."

"Single-use plastic is a multi-use problem."

"Plastic bags are a thing of the last century; be eco-friendly today!"

"Love your mother - Earth rejects plastic."

"Plastic is dangerous, we can live great without it!"

"Say no to plastic, embrace the future."

"Say no to plastic, say yes to the planet!"

"Plastic bags are out of fashion - be eco-friendly and smile."

"Stop plastic pollution, start a revolution."

"Don't litter, ditch plastic."

"Plastic-free is the way to go!"

"Choose the Earth, say no to plastic."

"Ban bags, save the world."

"Plastic is toxic, let's stand up for the planet."

"Think global, act local - ditch the plastic bags." "Nature's beauty doesn't need plastic." "Break up with plastic, love sustainability." "Carry a cloth, be careful - plastic is pollution everywhere."

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