This full form emphasizes foundational English learning and is simple, engaging, and appropriate for school-level learners
The thief's story class 10 English footprints without questions Q 1. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story? Ans. I refers to Hari Singh, the narrator of the story, who is a 15-year-old experienced thief. Q 2. What is he “a fairly successful hand” at? Ans. He is a fairly successful hand at stealing. He is an experienced … Triumph of Surgery – Summary, Questions & Answers for Class 10 Footprint English I was very worried about Tricki this time. As I drove by, I saw him waddling on the street with his owner, Mrs. Pumphrey, and couldn’t believe my eyes! Tricki had become so fat he looked like a big, fluffy sausage with tiny legs sti… 10 English book first flight Madam Rides the Bus question answer There was a girl named Valliammai, but everyone called her Valli. She was eight years old and was very curious to know about everything around her. Valli loved to spend her time standing at the front door of her house and watching the street outside. She ha… 10 English book: NCERT First flight Mijbil the Otter Lesson 6 In early 1956, I travelled to southern Iraq. By then, I had started thinking that I would like to keep an otter instead of a dog and that Camusfearna, surrounded by water just a short distance from my home, would be a perfect place to try this idea. When I… Letter Writing Topics: Business Letter Styles Formal letters are two types: first formal letters and second informal, like complaint, permissions letters, and business letters. There are two main business letter styles block style and Administrative Management Style (AMS). Block style is the most commonly used formal letter…
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